The solutions dedicated to the treatment of a wall are diverse; the choice of the ideal product depends solely on the intended purpose.
Cladding panel to sanitize the environment;
Rounded skirting to comply with hygiene standards;
Impact Safety Barriers to protect and avoid damage.
Aesthetic restoration, sanitization, protection of surfaces and structures from impacts are just some of the requirements that the walls of industrial plants may have.
To guarantee long-lasting protection that allows you to save on maintenance costs, STOMMPY® offers Cladding Panels, Wall Guards, Hygienic Skirting and Trolley Wheel Stop that safeguard the conditions of the surface and structural layer of your walls.
Especially in plants in the food, pharmaceutical or catering sectors, the single user pushes light vehicles that can cause costly damage due to the repetition of scratches and dents over time.
To prevent this from happening, the solutions offered by STOMMPY® are Wall Guards, Cladding Panels or Trolley Wheel Stopbars; the first two are to be installed directly on the wall to be protected, while the Trolley Wheel Stop bar is to be installed on the floor in order to block the vehicle before it touches the wall.
Saving on maintenance and wall repair, our systems meet the most stringent sanitation standards required by the pharmaceutical and food industries.
Restoring the Impact Safety Barrier is an easy, cheap and fast operation and thanks to our PMP guarantee system the Product and Floor Warranty can be extended up to 10 years!