STOMMPY impact protection becomes "smart "
thanks to innovative S.M.A.R.T. technology.
Inside (and outside) the plants, monitoring the efficiency of the Impact Safety Barriers is now exclusively entrusted to the visual check of the managers in charge. Result: too often, the damaged impact safety barriers remain in a condition of poor or event total lack of efficiency, for a short or a long time.
In the event, statistically high, that a forklift hits an already damaged Impact Safety protection, its definitive collapse could likely happen, increasing the risk of damages inside the company or causing injuries for workers.

Thanks to the S.M.A.R.T. technology, STOMMPY transforms its Impact Safety Barriers, bringing them "on-line," and making them able to interact with the company managers in charge, communicating them in real-time any impact of a forklift against one of them, also indicating the degree of residual efficiency of the protection and the recommended action to be carried out in terms of maintenance.
Acomplete 4.0 safety system, therefore, realized while maintaining the performance characteristics of STOMMPY Shock Protectors, which are distinguished by their construction and anchoring materials, patented and certified according to the highest quality standards.